Pradichaya Poonyarit

Why only cook Thai food when you can cook like a Thai? It's time to fall in love with Thai cuisine the same way Thai people do.

Become the new you who cooks from within with the knowledge of a born & bred Thai

For you who are ready to achieve a profound level in Thai cooking

Hey there! I'm Pradichaya Poonyarit, and I'm obsessed with getting the world to fall in love with the same Thai food that I love! 

I've fallen in love head over heels with true Thai food since I was a little girl. And despite the hardship of finding Thai ingredients when I first moved to the United States, I never gave up! I kept looking for ways to connect my pre-existing knowledge of Thai cooking with the local ingredient scene, so I could cook my favorite food from my beloved home country like a proud Thai in my American kitchen!

When asked by my American friends what my Thai cooking is like; I'd tease them with the answer, "like a Thai!"

My perseverance has paid off a few decades later. Now I can make use of what we have here, while enjoying the exquisite, beautiful true Thai tastes of my great grandmother's and my mother's recipes.

In addition, I've practiced to keep my "Cook Like A Thai" simple, time-saving, economical, sustainable; and, most importantly, "LIKE A THAI."

And this, friend, is what I'm here for. You can overcome the second guessing, wondering to yourself whether the dish you've just made was "Thai," and justify to yourself with "It's Thai enough."

Because now you can break through the barrier and get right to the heart & soul of true Thai cuisine, so you can:

  • rest assured,

  • gain confidence,

  • let your salivary glands kick in

  • as you taste your favorite Thai dishes cooked by you, for the first time, like a Thai.

- Pradichaya Poonyarit aka "Thai Kitchen Diva," author of From Gaprow To Keemao And Recipes In Between, THAI IDENTITY BRAND representative, mentor and activist for Cook Like A Thai Movement.

Find out more

Dare to go beyond the surface of any mere Thai recipes


  • Learn to think, act, then cook like a Thai

  • Forget cookbooks and hours and hours spent watching Thai (and not-so Thai) guru videos

  • Kick-start your journey and ROCK your Thai cooking LIKE A THAI

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9 core ingredients Thai people can't live without

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Fast-track your success in cooking these scrumptious, mouth-watering gaprow and keemao dishes


From Gaprow To Keemao And Recipes In Between

*No plans to reprint*

The book is almost out of print

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Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.

- Maya Angelou

Pradichaya Talk Show

Pick up COOK LIKE A THAI tips, techniques and anecdotes, while getting to know the Thai ways through Pradichaya's life-long adventurous journey. Prepare yourself for funny, witty, all things unexpected, and not-so safe for work mic drop moments.

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